Eraserhead As Post Modern Mind

a: Eraserhead ~
b: the post modern mind

What: This movie, which I can't understand, seems to resonate with many film school types. But the question is, what the hell is it about? For one, it's not to be taken literally. If not literal, what does it represent? Maybe it's the post-modern mind. If this is true, the post modern mind is black and white, confused, noisy, irrational, confining and dark. What else is there to say? Oh yeah there is no post modern mind, but maybe there are post modern minds, many minds with many types. So, Eraserhead would be David Lynche's post modern mind. Which is distinct from everyone else's post modern mind. He just happened to define it in this film. If this is true, I understand why Roger Ebert doesn't like this film. It is utterly incoherent, by design.

Writer: LucretiaGooGoo
Date: Apr 17 2012 5:30 PM

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